Dry Cleaning Machinery from 8 to 60 Kgr |
Dry Cleaning machinery |
Closed circuit dry cleaning machinery, made in Italy |
The series includes models with loading capacity from 8 to 60 |
Kgr. |
Electro-thermal and steam-thermal offered with 2 or 3 reservoirs |
and a large variety of cleaning filters. |
They are designed and manufactured with absolute respect to |
the environment. |
They allocate short wash cycles for high performance and offer |
leading quality of garment cleaning. |
Capable for cleaning the most sensitive clothing, as leathers, |
silk, linens etc. |
Technical Information |
Functional and flexible computer |
Manual operated possibilty. |
Self-cleaning solvent tanks. |
Safety reservoir for protection, in the case of solvent leakage. |
Big size distiller for a more rapid and economic distillation. |
Double filter protection for the dryer tube. |
Ecological self-cleaning nylon or active carbon filters. |
Control instruments for the refrigeration system. |
Water saving system. |
All of the machine's functional parts are manufactured from |